To ask people to be like David or not be like Jezebel is to miss the point of what God is saying through his Holy Bible. The main character is God, focus on him (and not the supporting cast).
Many have become disillusioned with the Old Testament because they were looking at a pile of threads that had been extracted from the tapestry. In our reorientation we will try to focus on the tapestry without ignoring the contributions of each picture and thread. Focus is the operative term. When we look at a subject through a camera lens, the focus is important. If we focus on the foreground, the background blurs; if we focus on something at a distance, that which is close to the camera becomes blurred. A good photographer must decide what needs to be clear and what needs to be blurred. The larger picture of the Old Testament, from a literary standpoint, is seen in the purpose of each author in the book he is writing. As we keep that in focus, the individual verses and stories must be seen in relation to it. From a theological perspective, the larger picture is God. Individuals fade into the background as we see the Old Testament not as a compilation of stories about Abraham or David of Esther but as a single story about God. If we bring David too much into focus, the picture of God may blur.
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