Thursday, October 1, 2015

Stop the one-upmanship please!

"Having dinner with the AWESOMEST/BEST cell group/band/leader/youth camp group etc. in the whole world!" insinuates that your group is superior to everyone else's. That is a big claim to make. Please, stop.

From pg 178 of:
The Gagging of God
[The apostle Paul] has already established what the gospel is: it is the saving “message of the cross” (1:18), the message of “Jesus Christ and him crucified” (2:2). This message demolishes all human pretensions, precisely because it is so scandalously unexpected and destructive of our pride in being able to save ourselves: God in his “foolish” wisdom sends a Messiah who is barbarically executed, dying an odious death so that both Jews and Gentiles might go free. In the light of such divine self-abnegation, it is unthinkable that one-upmanship should prevail in the church.

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