Thursday, October 1, 2015

Platt on how Jesus taught and discipled

... when we hear Jesus talk about teaching, we need to be careful not to immediately jump in our minds to the classroom, lecture-style setting we often associate with teaching the Word. Classrooms and lectures have their place, but this is not the pre-dominant kind of teaching we see in Jesus' relationship with his disciples. On the contrary, the world was a perpetual classroom for Jesus and his disciples, providing opportunities for instruction at every moment.

... imagine "going" and leading someone to faith in Christ and then seeing her "baptised" in identification with Christ and his church. Now what? How is she going to learn to walk with Christ daily? If teaching is limited to a select few in the church who are equipped for that, then we will immediately tell this new Christian she needs to sit in a classroom and learn from a teacher. Thus we get the common approach to "discipleship" today- a far cry from the disciple making of Jesus...

From page 99-100 of Radical

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