Why establish expository preaching as primary?
1. It is the method least likely to stray too far from revelation/Scripture.
2. (This one cannot be emphasised enough) Properly done, and especially if the selections of Scripture you choose to expound are reasonably extensive, i.e. not just a quarter of a verse, expository preaching teaches people how to read their bibles.
Show me a congregation that has been fed on ten years of thoughtful expository preaching and I'll show you a congregation that knows how to read its bible. Otherwise they will always be a higher percentage of Christians in the local assembly who have a kind of proof-texting approach...
3. Expository preaching gives confidence to the preacher and authorises the sermon. In order words, the more faithful and demonstrably your sermon is reflecting scripture, then when somebody challenges you at the door, "I hated what you said this morning, I mean that's disgusting. I don't believe that at all." You smile sweetly and say, "are you disagreeing with me or with Paul? Do you dislike it because I said it or because God said it?" This sort of changes who's on the defensive, doesn't it?
Now I'm not being mean, I'm merely that saying that at the end of the day, the authority of Scripture is really important. And that also means, that when you are preaching, you must not simply be faithful in explaining what the text said. (That's part of expository preaching). But dont forget I said directly and demonstrably authorising what you say from Scripture. So you must not only explain it but ideally you must say, "do you see that in verse 3?" That's why you want people to have their bibles with them. Or use pew bibles. Or print the text on an overhead. Or put it in the bulletin. Do something! But get the text up before people's eyes.
And every significant point that you make, make sure that they see that it is demonstrably derived from Scripture. That's what authorises the sermon! And it is what enables you at the door to say, "are you arguing with me or God Almighty?" So it gives confidence to the preacher and rightly done, authorises the sermon.
From 1h 4min to 1h 7min 54sec of
The What and Why of Expository Preaching
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