Why Church Matters: Discovering Your Place in the Family of God by Joshua Harris
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Growing up, the most narrow minded and dogmatic people I knew were Christian leaders. It seemed like the higher up the ladder they were, the more unpleasant they were. If going into ministry (or "serving God") meant that I would become like them, I wanted to have nothing to with it.
Fast forward a few years, a loving pastor from another church mentored me from the days that I was anti-Christian, to today when I am a final year Bachelor student in Bible School. I still struggle to see why going to church is important, but have continually allowed the Word of God to speak to my heart. Gradually I am softening to the wrongdoings of others, past and present, and am having to have a mindset shift of becoming part of a Christian community again. Thom Rainer's "I am a church member" was especially helpful - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1...
I read through Harris' book in one sitting. I found it easy to understand, not too complexly theological; just the right mix for the general lay person. Harris proposition is to call those who affirm to be Christians to stop dating churches; get married to one with wholehearted commitment and service!
I resonate thoroughly with his affirmation of "what matters most" (pgs 72-87), even I seek to settle down and commit to a local church with my soon-to-be wife.
1. Is this a church where God's Word is faithfully taught?
2. Is this a church where sound doctrine matters?
3. Is this a church in which the gospel is cherished and clearly proclaimed?
4. Is this a church committed to reaching non-Christians with the gospel?
5. Is this a church whose leaders are characterised by humility and integrity?
6. Is this a church where people strive to live by God's Word?
7. Is this a church where I can find and cultivate godly relationships?
8. Is this a church where members are challenged to serve?
9. Is this a church that is willing to kick me out?
10. Is this a church I'm willing to join "as is" with enthusiasm and faith in God?
I doubt I could come up with a better list. And I especially found much of the commentary on each of the point very useful, these few pages would make the price of the book more than worth it!
As a student whose area of interest happens to be ecclesiology, Harris' following advice is a sober sober reminder, "Please don't join a church because you think God has called you to overhaul it! Humbly recognize that you have your own sin to deal with and that you won't succeed anywhere as a self-appointed leader." (p85). Amen to that!
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