My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I thoroughly enjoyed the read and was astounded to find that almost every chapter was outstandingly well written, engaging and thought-provoking (well except R C Sproul's which I found to be rather mediocre). Perhaps the fact that the origin of this book was a series of conference messages makes is so exceptional. While bible scholars may be prone to drifting toward excessively complex (or convoluted) theological messages when writing an article, book or thesis, having to present that same work at a conference often warrants summarising the content to its creme de la creme.
Although I find that I resonate more with Arminian and Charismatic scholars than I do with their Calvinist counterparts, I have often found that these Reformed theologians continually astonish and encourage me with their passion for sound doctrine (and therefore sound theology), orthodoxy and most importantly, a cross-centered Gospel. I am so thankful that the fruit of that conference a decade ago lives on through this book, and that so many more readers can be blessed.
The editors did not leave the readers with just a mountain of hard hitting theology too high for the average pastor to scale - C J Mahaney's penultimate chapter compelled the budding bible teacher to engage in (i) a deep reflection to seek the Lord for a (pardon the Charismatic terminology) greater measure of faith and gratitude and (ii) a renewed desire to be a joyful minister in his service amidst our often humble circumstances.
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