My rating: 4 of 5 stars
With exegesis being my default and most comfortable form of hermeneutics (method of bible interpretation), I was quite unsure what to make up of the numerous bible passages that Vallotton cited in support of his substantives. However, the target audience being Charismatics, would probably not find it as great of an intellectual wrestle.
I thoroughly enjoyed the real life accounts, of the failures (like how the hostility and disrespect Vallotton and supporters gave to Planned Parenthood's proposal to set up shop in their area actually titled the city council to issuing a green light), of the hard fought victories (of how Bethel adopted the convention center, refurbished and paid rent on it - all whilst maintaining it as a secular venue) and of the miraculous (of how he was almost mistakenly killed by a policeman deceived by a mad tailgating man). I also would say an emphatic Amen to his highlighting of the prevalence of "denominationalism" (covered in the opening chapters) and to the positive eschatological position (in contrast to the doomsaying position; covered in the closing chapters).
Most significantly, I felt encouraged and once again grappled with how comfortable (or uncomfortable) I am with citing Scripture out of context (outside of my devotional reading; in the public spheres of teaching/preaching). The bible passage that comes to mind alongside my wrestling and deliberation would be from Acts 10 - that of Peter being confronted repeatedly through vision of a theological position that was in direct conflict with what he understood Scripture meant. As far as I can tell, I disagree with the Vallotton's methodology of biblical handling and yet stand behind in emphatic support of his vision, passion and heart for mentoring the generations to come. The call to action is clear, and the reader is sure to be inspired to journey ever closer with the Lord by this master communicator.
I received this book from the Baker Publishing Group's Chosen Blogger Review Program for the purposes of providing an unbiased review. All views are my own.
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