My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The bad: If the author (or his editor) has given brevity more value, this book could have been a 4 or 5 star one! I felt that the front and ending sections were more draggy than they needed to; perhaps the entire recounting of the story could have been done in 100 or so pages. The bible verses at the start of every chapter did not really seem to mesh with whatever was discussed; more often than not I was wondering what did the author have in mind by listing a bible passage.
The good: I did learn a few things though, and only the bravest would embark on a similar journey! I cannot imagine how beneficial it would be for anybody (or any family) to go on such a quest, and how much happier we would be! Indeed we are surrounded with subliminal and overt efforts to consume more food and covet more material things. For those of us in the industrialised first-world, there are many integral lessons we can learn from this book, and much soul-searching to embark on, with regards to how we spend our money.
I would not recommend this book be purchased, but if you can get a cheap ebook version or borrow one from the library, do read it! Looking forward to a revised, more concise version, perhaps without the bible passages; maybe marketing it to the general public would increase sales figures.
I received this book from in exchange for this review.
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